Zakir Durumeric

Assistant Professor

Stanford Computer Science

Gates 432 | (650) 724-6279

publications | cv | scholar

I'm an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. My research brings a large-scale, empirical approach to the study of Internet security, trust, and safety. I build systems to measure complex networked ecosystems, and I use the resulting perspective to understand real-world behavior, uncover weaknesses and attacks, architect and deploy more resilient approaches, and guide public policy. I'm also the Co-Founder and Chief Scientist of Censys.

Students and Teaching

I lead the Stanford Empirical Security Research Group where I advise: Hans Hanley, Catherine Han, Kimberly Ruth, Agur Adams (co-advised with Phil Levis), Rumaisa Habib, and Veronica Rivera. Alumni include: Liz Izhikevich, Gerry Wan, Deepak Kumar, Gautam Akiwate, Aurore Fass, Dolière Francis Somé, Fengchen Gong, and Jack Cable.

I teach CS155 Computer and Network Security (2019–2024), CS356 Topics in Systems and Network Security (2018–2023), and CS249i The Modern Internet (2021–2024).

Select Publications

Democratizing LEO Satellite Network Measurement
  • Liz Izhikevich, Manda Tran, Katherine Izhikevich, Gautam Akiwate, and Zakir Durumeric
Specious Sites: Tracking the Spread and Sway of Spurious News Stories at Scale
  • Hans Hanley, Deepak Kumar, and Zakir Durumeric
  • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy ("Oakland"), May 2024
Hate Raids on Twitch: Echoes of the Past, New Modalities, and Implications for Platform Governance
  • Catherine Han, Joseph Seering, Deepak Kumar, Jeff Hancock, and Zakir Durumeric
  • ACM Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW), October 2023
  • Best Paper Award
A World Wide View of Browsing the World Wide Web
  • Kimberly Ruth, Aurore Fass, Jonathan Azose, Mark Pearson, Emma Thomas, Caitlin Sadowski, and Zakir Durumeric
  • ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), October 2022
Retina: Analyzing 100 GbE Traffic on Commodity Hardware
  • Gerry Wan, Fengchen Gong, Tom Barbette, and Zakir Durumeric
  • ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), August 2022
LZR: Identifying Unexpected Internet Services
  • Liz Izhikevich, Renata Teixeira, and Zakir Durumeric
  • USENIX Security Symposium, August 2021
SoK: Hate, Harassment, and the Changing Landscape of Online Abuse
  • Kurt Thomas, Devdatta Akhawe, Michael Bailey, Elie Bursztein, Dan Boneh, Sunny Consolvo, Nicki Dell, Zakir Durumeric, Patrick Gage Kelley, Deepak Kumar, Damon McCoy, Sarah Meiklejohn, Thomas Ristenpart, and Gianluca Stringhini
  • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy ("Oakland"), May 2021
Let's Encrypt: An Automated Certificate Authority to Encrypt the Entire Web
  • Josh Aas, Richard Barnes, Benton Case, Zakir Durumeric, Peter Eckersley, Alan Flores-Lopez,
  • J. Alex Halderman, Jacob Hoffman-Andrews, James Kasten, Eric Rescorla, Seth Schoen, Brad Warren
  • ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), November 2019
Understanding the Mirai Botnet
  • Manos Antonakakis, Tim April, Michael Bailey, Matt Bernhard, Elie Bursztein, Jaime Cochran
  • Zakir Durumeric, J. Alex Halderman, Luca Invernizzi, Michalis Kallitsis, Deepak Kumar, Chaz Lever,
  • Zane Ma, Joshua Mason, Damian Menscher, Chad Seaman, Nick Sullivan, Kurt Thomas, Yi Zhou
  • USENIX Security Symposium, August 2017
Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor MITM... An Empirical Analysis of Email Delivery Security
  • Zakir Durumeric, David Adrian, Ariana Mirian, James Kasten, Kurt Thomas, Vijay Eranti,
  • Nicholas Lidzborski, Elie Bursztein, Michael Bailey, and J. Alex Halderman
  • ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), October 2015
  • IETF Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP)
Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice
  • David Adrian, Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Zakir Durumeric, Pierrick Gaudry, Matthew Green,
  • J. Alex Halderman, Nadia Heninger, Drew Springall, Emmanuel Thomé, Luke Valenta,
  • Benjamin VanderSloot, Eric Wustrow, Santiago Zanella-Beguelin, and Paul Zimmermann
  • ACM Computer and Communications Security (CCS), October 2015
  • Best Paper Award
The Matter of Heartbleed
  • Zakir Durumeric, Frank Li, James Kasten, Johanna Amann, Jethro Beekman, Mathias Payer,
  • Nicolas Weaver, David Adrian, Vern Paxson, Michael Bailey, and J. Alex Halderman
  • ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), November 2014
  • Best Paper Award
ZMap: Fast Internet-Wide Scanning and its Security Applications
  • Zakir Durumeric, Eric Wustrow, and J. Alex Halderman
  • USENIX Security Symposium, August 2013
Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys in Network Devices
  • Nadia Heninger, Zakir Durumeric, Eric Wustrow, and J. Alex Halderman
  • USENIX Security Symposium, August 2012
  • Best Paper Award; Test of Time Award (2022)